

For a long time now, I’ve wanted to start writing about business-related topics — finally, here is my attempt! This is very much a work in progress, but one of the lessons I’ve learned is this: its usually better to release something, even if its imperfect, rather than nothing at all. Now that my blog is “launched” — as barebones as it is — I’m sure I’ll find more motivation to write bits here and there.

I have a lot of experiences I want to share, and a lot of things I want to say. This is NOT a “follow my steps exactly and achieve all your dreams!” kind of place. I will share things that worked for me, things that didn’t work, and lessons I learned. It’s up to you to decide what could be useful to you or not.

My hope is that something I say, someday, will help a current or aspiring entrepreneur to achieve success in their chosen venture. However that day is most likely far off at this point — for now I will just start out by writing things as they occur to me, in a decidedly haphazard manner. Don’t worry, I’ll improve it all as I go along. 🙂

— The Introvert CEO
January 11, 2021.